But activity was relatively light given the closure of US markets for Martin Luther King Day. 但鉴于美国市场因马丁•路德•金纪念日(MartinLutherKingDAY)休市,交投相对淡静。
I have got a dream as big as Martin Luther King* I hope my share can some day rise to its double. 我有一个和马丁路德金一样伟大的梦想。我希望有一个我的股票可以涨一倍。
Martin Luther King, Jr dreamt of the day when 小马丁•路德•金梦想着这么一天,在那时
And since yesterday was the third Monday in January, it was also Martin Luther King Day. 昨天是1月份的第三个星期一,是马丁·路德·金纪念日。
Today Martin Luther King Day in the US is the time to remember the injustices that Martin Luther King fought against and to remember a dream, which is shared by many. 如今在美国,马丁路德金日是人们纪念他曾经为不公正而战,纪念一个许多人共享的梦的日子。
It takes place the same weekend as Martin Luther King Day. 马丁·路德·金纪念日也是在这个周末。